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Relocating your router

If you would prefer for your router to be located elsewhere in the property, this may be possible. You will need additional ports and a second Ethernet cable.

You may find what is called a 'patch panel' in your property which is a panel with multiple ports or sockets. Each of these ports is linked to a port elsewhere in the property, via cables in the walls. You can use this system to relocate your router to an alternative location.

Patch Panel

The active port, identified by a Lightning sticker, brings internet to your property. It is between this port and the WAN/Internet port in your router which you connect the Ethernet cable to get Wi-Fi normally.

If you wish to move your router to another room, you first need to ensure there is a similar socket in that location. Connect your router in the same way in the new location, ensuring the Ethernet cable is correctly connected between the WAN/Internet port and the wall port, and turn it on.

The new location will need a corresponding port to allow for router relocation.

You will then need to use a second Ethernet cable to make a loop between the original active port, and the corresponding port of the patch panel which links to your chosen alternative port in the new location. It may be a case of trial and error - simply connect to one port at a time, and then check to see if you have Wi-Fi.

Looped patch panel

The WAN light on your router will turn on when the second Ethernet cable is in the corresponding port for your alternative location.